
Principles of Flight – The Four Forces Simply Explained

Have you ever looked up at the sky and wondered how a massive airplane could soar effortlessly through the air? The answer lies in the principles of flight, a fascinating topic that explores the science behind aviation.

Understanding these principles is essential for anyone who wants to become a pilot or is simply curious about how things work.


In this article, we will delve into the basics of the principles of flight, including the four forces of flight and the aerodynamic forces that keep a plane in the air. So get ready to take off on a journey of discovery into the world of aviation!


What is The Principle of Flight?


The principle of flight is made up of four fundamental forces: lift, weight, drag, and thrust. These forces work together in a delicate balance to determine an aircraft’s trajectory, with lift and weight opposing each other and thrust and drag doing the same.


But don’t be fooled – not all these forces act in the opposite direction. Some forces even supplement each other in certain situations. Understanding the principles of flight may seem daunting, but it’s pretty simple once you know the basics.


And if you want to take your understanding to the next level, get ready to meet Daniel Bernoulli, an aerodynamic pioneer.


Who is Daniel Bernoulli?


Daniel Bernoulli was an 18th-century Swiss mathematician and physicist known for his contributions to fluid dynamics, studying how fluids move and behave. He is particularly famous for his principle, which explains how a fluid’s pressure and velocity are related.


This principle is vital for understanding how air moves around objects, including airplane wings. It is crucial for understanding the principles of flight.


What is Bernoulli’s Principle of Flight?


Bernoulli’s Principle is a fundamental concept in fluid dynamics that explains how pressure and velocity are related in a fluid. But this also relates directly to airflow.


When air flows over a wing, it splits into two streams. One flows over the wing’s curved upper surface, and the other flows underneath the flat lower surface.


According to Bernoulli’s Principle, as the air flows over the wing’s curved upper surface, its velocity increases, and its pressure decreases. This creates a region of lower pressure above and higher pressure below the wing. This pressure difference generates an upward force on the wing, known as lift, which allows the airplane to take off and stay in the air.


It’s fascinating to think that the simple act of air moving over the curved surface of a wing can create enough lift to keep an airplane airborne.


Fun Fact: Bernoulli’s Principle explains how an airplane can stay in the air and has applications in many other fields. These include the design of race cars, the study of ocean currents, and the development of medical devices.


What Are The 4 Principles of Flight?


Flight comes down to four fundamental forces: lift, weight, thrust, and drag. Each force has its own direction, opposing force, and factors that affect its strength.


The Four Principles of Flight


But don’t worry. Understanding these forces and their effects on the plane isn’t rocket science. On the contrary, it’s relatively straightforward once you grasp the basics.


Before we dive into the nitty-gritty details of each flight principle, let’s cover some key terms that will help us along the way. Are you ready to learn the ins and outs of flight principles and how planes stay in the air? Let’s get started!




In physics and aviation, a vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. In other words, it’s a way of describing where something is and which way it’s going. Vectors are like little arrows that point from one place to another, indicating distance and direction.


In aviation, vectors are critical because they help pilots navigate and control the plane. For example, when a pilot is flying a plane, they need to know where the plane is, where it’s headed, and at what speed. Using vectors, they can calculate the plane’s velocity and acceleration and adjust its trajectory accordingly.


While vectors may seem complicated initially, they’re just a way of describing where things are and how they’re moving. And in aviation, that information is crucial for getting from point A to point B safely and efficiently.


Resultant Forces


Resultant forces emerge from the fusion of two vectors.


Imagine two vectors at 90 degrees to one another, creating a right-angled triangle; the hypotenuse represents the resultant force. As you increase any vector, the resultant force rises accordingly.


So why should we concern ourselves with resultant forces?


The straightforward response is that no flight principle operates in a vacuum – they all intertwine. By comprehending the resultant forces involved, it becomes easy to predict an aircraft’s behavior.


Allow us to introduce the four forces that play a role in the art of flight, their impacts, and the intricacies of their functioning.




Vector Acts Through The Center of Pressure

Vector Direction: 90° to the relative airflow

Opposing forces: Weight

Things that Influence Lift:


  • Airspeed
  • Angle of attack
  • Wing Size
  • Air Density


Let’s start with the basics – lift. It’s evident that lift is essential to keeping an airplane in the sky, but do you know how it’s generated? Most of it comes from the wings, but other parts of the plane, like the horizontal stabilizer and fuselage, can also contribute.


Lift acts through the center of pressure, where all the different amounts of lift generated by the wings come together. But here’s the thing – lift doesn’t always act straight up. Instead, it always operates at a 90° angle to the relative airflow. This means that if an airplane is flying upside down, the wings generate lift in a downward direction. And if it’s flying straight up, the lift vector is pointed toward the horizon!


Why does this matter? Because the orientation of the lift vector affects how the airplane behaves. It can work with or against weight and sometimes requires additional force to maintain sustained flight.




Vector Acts Through the Center of Gravity

Vector Direction is Always towards the Center of the Earth

Opposing force: Lift

Things that Affect Weight:


  • The amount of mass on the aircraft.


Weight is a fundamental force in aviation that is relatively easy to understand. In simple terms, the more things on board an aircraft and the heavier they are, the greater the aircraft’s weight. But where does this weight force act?


Well, the answer is through the center of gravity. It is the point at which all weight forces act, and much like a pivot point on a seesaw, the airplane also turns around its center of gravity.


Here’s an interesting fact for you. Did you know that every aircraft has a specific range within which its center of gravity must be positioned? It’s because an aircraft’s behavior is heavily influenced by the position of its center of gravity. Therefore, it can lead to handling issues, instability, and even a catastrophic crash if it’s not within that range.


Another essential thing to remember is that the center of gravity always acts towards the earth’s center, regardless of the aircraft’s attitude or orientation. So, whether the plane is right side up or upside down, the center of gravity always points towards the earth’s center.




Vector Acts Through the Center of pressure, 90° to the center of the lift vector

Vector Direction: Rearward

Opposing force: Thrust

Things that Affect Drag:


  • Air density
  • Aircraft Shape
  • Airspeed
  • How much lift is being produced


Drag is the opposing force that acts in the opposite direction to the aircraft’s motion. So while lift helps keep the airplane in the air, drag tries to slow it down.


But drag isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept. Instead, it’s composed of various factors, like the shape of the aircraft as it moves through the air (also known as form drag) and even the lift generated by the wings (known as induced drag). So understanding how these factors affect drag is crucial for designing more efficient aircraft and optimizing performance.




Vector Acts Through: Center of Thrust

Vector Direction: Forward in the same direction that the engine is pointing

Opposing force: Drag


  • Things that Affect Thrust:
  • Engine RPM
  • Airspeed
  • Air Density
  • Altitude


The force that propels an airplane forward is known as the thrust vector, and the airplane engine usually generates it. Therefore, we can make the aircraft move faster by pushing the throttle forward and increasing the thrust.


Now, here’s where things get interesting.


Flying is not just about moving in a straight line – an airplane can move in any direction with endless possibilities! But to understand the basics of flight, we need to start with a simple concept that allows us to see how changes in one vector can affect the others.


And that concept is:

“Straight and level”


Straight and Level – The Balanced 4 Forces


Picture this: you’re comfortably seated in a plane, sipping on a refreshing coke and snacking on some nuts while taking in the stunning views outside.


Ah, the good life!


But let’s take a moment to appreciate the art of balance, which is crucial to flight. Straight and level flight is the perfect example of how all the forces of flight are in equilibrium.


Before diving into the principles of flight, let’s look at what happens when we fly straight and maintain level flight. In simpler terms:

  • The plane is neither ascending nor descending
  • The aircraft is neither speeding up nor slowing down


And that can only mean one thing: all forces are in perfect harmony with their opposites.


In more technical terms:

  • The lift vector is equal in magnitude to its opposite force, weight.
  • The thrust vector is perfectly aligned with the drag vector.


Think of it as a cross: the vertical axis represents lift and weight. The horizontal axis represents thrust and drag. All the lines or vectors are the same length, creating a state of balance.


Easy, right? Now, let’s throw in a climb and a descent and see what happens to this equilibrium.


What Are the Forces of Flight in a Climb?


To ascend during flight, two critical factors need to occur, and they are related to the principle of flight:

  • The lift vector must be greater than the weight vector.
  • The thrust vector must be greater than the drag vector.


To accomplish this, a pilot must undertake two actions:

  • Increase the angle of attack by pitching the aircraft up, thus increasing lift.
  • Increase the thrust to prevent a decrease in speed.


Visualize the cross we described earlier. Two vectors (lift and thrust) become larger, creating a resultant force.


But wait, where does this force act?


The answer is “up,” but it’s not that simple. Remember how we said the lift vector is oriented at 90° to the relative airflow? So if the aircraft is climbing, the lift vector is not pointing straight up because the wing has a higher angle of attack.


So how does the airplane ascend?


The thrust vector generally acts in the forward direction of the airplane. When the nose is raised, the thrust and lift combine to create a resultant force that overcomes the weight, causing the aircraft to climb.


How About The Forces Of Flight In a Descent


The mechanics of descent in flight are a piece of cake.


Although the airplane’s wing still generates some lift, it’s outweighed by the aircraft’s weight. Additionally, the thrust vector is small. If the plane faces downward, the resultant force of the weight and thrust combined will surpass the lift produced.


It’s worth reiterating that the weight vector always acts straight down. As a result, unless the lift and thrust vectors, or the resultant force of the two, exceed the weight, the airplane will always descend.


What does this mean?


When flying an airplane in a turn, you must apply power (boosting the thrust) and pull back a bit on the stick (increasing the lift). When the airplane is banked, the lift vector points in a direction that doesn’t precisely oppose the weight vector. If you don’t use power and back-stick, the airplane will make a turn, but it will also descend!


The Four Forces of Flight and Helicopters


While the four forces of flight (lift, weight, thrust, and drag) also apply to helicopters, their dynamics differ from those of airplanes. Unlike airplanes, the wings of helicopters (rotor blades) rotate, producing lift and thrust simultaneously.


The helicopter’s control surfaces (rotor blades) can be changed in pitch and angle, allowing for greater maneuverability than airplanes. Helicopters can also hover and take off vertically, thanks to the upward airflow generated by the rotating rotor blades, which counteracts the helicopter’s weight.


The Principles of Flight Explained


By grasping the principles of lift, weight, thrust, and drag, you can begin to understand the dynamics of flight and how to control an aircraft. But, whether pursuing a career in aviation or just interested in the subject, there’s always more to learn.


Contact Select Aviation College to learn more about our comprehensive flight training programs if you’re considering a flight career. With our experienced instructors, state-of-the-art facilities, and commitment to safety, we’re dedicated to helping aspiring pilots achieve their dreams. So, take the first step towards your future in aviation and contact us today!




Q: How does an airplane stay in the air?


A: An airplane stays in the air because the wing generates lift as air flows over it. The shape of the wing causes air to move faster over the top of the wing than the bottom, creating a difference in air pressure that lifts the wing and the airplane.


Q: How does air pressure affect flight?


A: Air pressure affects flight because changes in air pressure affect how air flows around the airplane’s wings. This can impact the lift and drag forces acting on the aircraft, affecting its flight characteristics.


Q: How does the shape of an airplane’s wing affect lift?


A: The shape of an airplane’s wing is designed to create a difference in pressure above and below the wing. This pressure difference generates lift, which allows the aircraft to stay in the air.


Q: How does air flowing over an airplane wing create lift?


A: Air flowing over an airplane’s wing creates lift because of the shape of the wing. The top surface of the wing is curved, which causes air to flow faster over it than the bottom surface. This creates a difference in air pressure, which generates lift.


Q: What is the angle of attack?


A: The angle of attack is the angle between the wing and the relative wind, which is the direction of the airflow over the wing. It is essential in determining the amount of lift the airplane wing generates.


Q: How does an airplane turn?


A: An airplane turns by banking, or tilting, its wings. This causes the aircraft to change direction because the lift force no longer acts straight up but at an angle. Therefore, to maintain altitude during a turn, the pilot must increase the angle of attack or apply more power to compensate for the decrease in lift.

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