- ACS -

EWA.1F – Commercial Air Transport Pilot Integrated ATPL

The most prestigious licence in Canada!!

Do you dream of flying for the largest airlines?


Theory hours


Flight hours


Simulator hours

Program description

The integrated (Airline Transport Pilot Licence) ATPL program by Select Aviation College provides rigorous training to achieve the highest level of pilot licensing in the world. The program is based on a continuous learning system in which basic ground school and flight training elements are interdependent and sequenced to ensure complete and effective learning.

Students participating in the Attestation of College Studies (ACS) program will benefit from the same advantages as the integrated training, in addition to receiving a certificate upon successful completion and being eligible for the Quebec government’s Aide financière aux études programs (for Canadians and permanent residents).

Admission requirements

  1. Have interrupted full-time studies or pursued full-time post-secondary education for at least 2 consecutive terms or one complete academic year;

  2. Be covered by an agreement between the college and an employer or benefit from a government program;

  3. Have interrupted full-time studies for one semester and have pursued full-time post-secondary studies for a minimum of one semester;

  4. Hold a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS).

Experience a simulator session during a cabin fire drill.

This video accurately represents what our MCC course is all about: creating a professional, airline-like atmosphere. This training is delivered by active airline pilots, and it provides students with precise procedures and real-life scenarios to prepare them for what awaits them in the industry!

Career opportunities

Airline Pilot

Commercial Pilot

Flight Instructor

Airline Pilot

Airline pilots work for specific companies, transporting people and cargo on fixed schedules. Together, they share responsibility for flight duties such as steering the plane, communicating with air traffic controllers, and monitoring instruments.

Commercial Pilot

Commercial pilots work in various sectors such as cargo transport, humanitarian missions, rescue flights, banner hauling, aerial photography, agricultural operations, parachute drops, etc.

Flight Instructor

A flight instructor is the trainer of future pilots. They teach theoretical courses and ensure the practical lessons in flight. They accompany the beginners who have never taken the controls of an aircraft until he/she receives a private or commercial pilot license.

Career opportunities

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