Select Aviation College is proud to announce that our new campus located at the Gatineau/Ottawa Executive Airport is at the center of a major investment and redevelopment project. An investment of nearly $11.7M was announced last week to build a new taxiway parallel to the runway, greatly facilitating the flow of aircraft in the airport. Furthermore, new buildings and a new hangars will be built, which will ultimately be our future premises.
Select Aviation College welcomes this news with optimism. The relationship between the college and the Gatineau-Ottawa airport is promising and Select Aviation has plans to expand to a capacity of 200 students per year!
There is no doubt that Canadian aviation has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many pilots have seen their careers come to an abrupt halt leaving a great deal of uncertainty about the future of the industry. The shortage of pilots that the industry was facing before the pandemic is still present, especially since more pilots have brought their retirement forward. Select Aviation is proud to be a leader in the economic recovery of the industry by being at the heart of a major investment project that will further allow us to offer our quality flight programs in the National Capital Region and surrounding areas in a more efficient and equipped environment.
Select Aviation College is one of Canada’s leading flight training institutions. We train airplane and helicopter pilots in 5 different programs, all regulated by Transport Canada and the Quebec Ministry of Education. These programs include the prestigious integrated ATPL program which provides the highest Canadian flying qualifications, two professional helicopter programs including IFR, an airplane pilot program leading to a commercial license with multi-engine and instrument ratings, and a bush pilot program. Select Aviation College prides itself on training pilots who are not only able to obtain Transport Canada professional licenses, but also to develop the mindset that will make our pilots an asset to any organization.
Our expertise allows us to adapt to the needs of a wide range of clients. In parallel to our college training, the college also trains aviation enthusiasts who wish to obtain their wings in both airplanes and helicopters. Yes, you can take advantage of our state-of-the-art airplanes and simulators and be trained and supported by a team of passionate instructors who will make sure to guide you through a private flight training to make your dream of flying come true!
Bélanger, Mathieu. Le Droit newspaper, online, published July 16th 2021 : _medium=article_share&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR27sQ3n4uczQiAOliCGWR_NDi7784LHFvDBYJWyJTLUC8ywvv4OKXxTXDE
Milette, Christian. Gatineau-Ottawa CBC news, report of July 16th 2021 : segments/reportage/363515/aeroport-gatineau-ottawa-vols-pilote-avion?isAutoPlay=1
Moisan, Amanda , TVA Gatineau-Ottawa, report of July 16th 2021 :