

Checklist: 8 Things to Do After You’ve Just Finished Flight School – Launch Your Career as a Commercial Pilot

So you just graduated flight school.


You’re tired. You’ve memorized what feels like encyclopedias worth of information. And yet somehow, you feel energized and more focused than you did the entire last year.


So the question is, What should you do next?


Should you start the job search? Should you take a 15-hour nap? Or should you talk to your instructors about the next steps?


In today’s post, I will show you the eight most important steps to take after you finish your flight test. And I’m going to break them down for you step by step.

Becoming a Commercial Pilot: 8 Things to Do After You’ve Just Finished Flight School

Many rookie pilots think that getting a CPL is enough.


But you know, becoming a commercial pilot requires much more than that. Specifically, you must stand out from the crowd of fresh pilots entering the industry.  

Step #1. Build Flight Hours

Your first order of business is to get back in the cockpit. And the best way to do that is flight instruction.


Now, many people like to volunteer for flight organizations or clubs, but you shouldn’t do that.




Because that doesn’t pay! There are actually tons of ways to get flight hours. No one way is “better” than the other. However, if you need to start earning right away, many of them won’t pay.


Instead, become a certified flight instructor and teach others to fly. This will get you paid flight hours and help more people become pilots.


For example, the flight school you attended may need instructors! And even if they don’t, many other flight instruction opportunities are always available.


Step #2. Get Additional Certifications

Average pilots only get their CPL and hope that will land them a job. Smart pilots pursue additional certifications to help them stand out.


Consider getting a multi-engine or instrument rating to make yourself a more competitive candidate for commercial pilot jobs.


Here are some things to keep in mind:


  • Consider the job market: Before pursuing additional certifications, research the job market and understand what types of credentials or qualifications are in demand. This can vary depending on the region, the type of job, and the employer.

  • Choose certifications that align with your long-term career goals. For example, suppose you’re interested in flying for a specific type of airline or in a particular region. In that case, you should focus on certifications or qualifications that are relevant to that particular area.

  • Balance cost and benefit: Pursuing additional certifications can be expensive, so consider the cost and benefit of each certificate. Some certifications may have a higher return on investment than others, and it’s essential to ensure that the cost of obtaining the certification is worth it in the long run.


For example:


If commercial pilots are in high demand and you went to flight college, you likely don’t need to pursue further certifications. Airlines need pilots, and you are a great fit.


However, if the market becomes more saturated, additional certifications will make you stand out compared to other candidates.

airline pilots by region
Learn more about job outlook by clicking the image.

If you’ve graduated from Select Aviation College, you can rest easy that you’re well qualified.


Step #3. Network

Building your network is a great activity to focus on after getting your CPL.


Networking can help you learn about job opportunities and make valuable contacts in the industry.


So how can you make valuable connections in the aviation industry? Here are some tips:


Attend aviation events: Attend industry conferences, airshows, and other aviation-related events to meet other pilots, recruiters, and professionals. These events provide an excellent opportunity to network and make valuable connections.


Join aviation organizations: Joining professional aviation organizations such as the Airline Pilots Association (ALPA), the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA), or the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) can help you build connections and keep up with industry news and trends.


Volunteer: Volunteering at aviation-related events or organizations can help you meet other aviation professionals and build relationships with people in the industry. It can also demonstrate your commitment to the industry and show potential employers you are passionate about aviation.


Utilize social media: Use social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter to connect with other pilots, recruiters, and aviation professionals. You can join aviation groups or forums, share your experiences, and converse with others in the industry.


Seek mentorship: Finding a mentor in the aviation industry can be valuable for gaining advice, insight, and guidance. Consider contacting experienced pilots or aviation professionals and asking them to mentor you.


To start building your network, connect with your past instructors. They are usually more than happy to help!


Step #4. Create a Professional Resume

If you want a great pilot job, you need a great resume.


Keep it simple while still showcasing why you’re the best candidate. 


Here is an example pilot resume you can work from!


Step #5. Apply for Jobs

Speaking of resumes, let’s talk about applications.


Writing a great resume and having an existing connection at the company where you’re applying makes it easier to stand out.


So set some time aside to talk to your network and see if you already have an “in” at the company you’d like to work at. 


When you apply, this will ensure that they’re waiting to hear from you and that you have a great reference they know and trust.


Step #6. Prepare for Interviews

Another great way to land your dream-pilot job is by preparing for the interviews in advance. 

Just rehearse the conversations that you expect to happen. This will help you stay calm and confident.


Then, get a good night’s sleep, eat well, and look your best!


Pro Tip: The key to this step is to prepare for the interview in advance. Don’t just walk in hoping to get hired because you showed up.


Step #7. Stay up to Date on Industry News

Remember, there’s more than one way to stand out as the best candidate. Understanding the industry news and key talking points is a brilliant (and practical!) way to stand out as a prime candidate.


For example, you could research the aircraft you would be flying. Is there new technology that will affect them?


But that’s just one idea!


Step #8. Keep Learning

This activity is one of the most overlooked but also one of the most important (which is why I saved it for last). 


How will you know what’s working if you don’t continuously learn?


Many flight schools, like Select Aviation College, offer programs to help you continue your education after you have obtained your CPL.


Wrapping it up

If you think your work is over as soon as you finish flight school, I’ve got surprising news for you. 

What you do AFTER getting your CPL is even more important than what you did before. 


So instead of hoping you are the best candidate, spend time ensuring you are by continuing your education. Try some of the other steps above and keep them in mind for your next application.


Haven’t started flight school yet? Check out our comprehensive guide to becoming a pilot!


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