

8 Things to Do Before You Become a Pilot

So, you think you’re ready to become a pilot.


Did you get that anxious feeling in the pit of your stomach when we said that? Don’t worry. It’s entirely natural to feel apprehensive when considering a new career path.


That’s why we’ve compiled a list of eight things you should do before taking your first aviation course. By the end of this post, that nervous feeling will be long gone.


#1. Make Sure You Research the Requirements

This one will seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t check the prerequisites for obtaining a pilot’s license. For a comprehensive list of qualifications for pilot licenses and permits, visit Transport Canada’s website.


Don’t be hasty. Make sure you understand the physical and educational requirements to avoid wasting time. 


#2. Take an Introductory Flight Lesson

Before deciding to take this career path, get a taste for flying. Most flight schools like Select Aviation College offer introductory flight lessons you can take to see how passionate you really are about becoming a pilot.


#3. Evaluate Your Financial Situation

Becoming a pilot can be an expensive undertaking. Therefore, it’s essential to evaluate your financial situation and determine if you can afford the cost of pilot training.


Don’t get yourself into a financial situation that you can’t handle. But it’s worth noting that many flight programs have financial aid options. Our partner, Desjardins, is exclusively offering financing options for our professional helicopter pilot training program, which leads to an attestation of College Studies.


#4. Consider Your Career Goals

Pilots have many different career paths, so it’s essential to consider your career goals before starting your training. This can help you choose the right type of pilot license and training program to fit your goals.


#5. Get Your Medical Certificate

If you are serious about becoming a pilot, get your medical certificate first.


This certificate will ensure you are eligible to become a pilot.


#6. Make a List of Flight Schools You’re Interested in

Would you call yourself a natural organizer? That’s okay, few people are, but you can get a grip on what school is right for you by researching.


Top tip: Talk to people who work at or have attended the schools you’re interested in before deciding.


#7. Study Aviation Theory

Pilots need to have a strong understanding of aviation theory. Of course, you will learn about these things in flight school should you choose to move forward, but it always helps to get a jump on them.


Getting acquainted with aerodynamics, navigation, and aviation regulations will ensure you have an excellent foundation to work with.


#8. Talk to Friends and Family Members

Sometimes when we’re feeling nervous about a new part of our life, we clam up and avoid talking about it in case someone else’s negative opinions will be discouraging. 


That’s understandable, but you may miss out on a valuable connection to someone who has experience in the industry or someone who brings up a point you hadn’t thought of.


Going into flight school without a plan and support network can turn that molehill into your own personal mountain.


Let other people help you.


Tip: Need someone to talk to with aviation industry experience? Thankfully Select Aviation College is available for guidance via [email protected]. In place of supportive family and friends, we’d be thrilled to be your loudest cheerleader and advisor.


That’s a Wrap!

Check, check, and check!


Thank you for trusting us to take you through our checklist of things to do before becoming a pilot.


Do you feel better knowing what you must do and how far you’ve come?


If you still need advice, know that Select Aviation College is always one email away. [email protected]


It’s our passion to support the next generation of pilots!


One last thing: 


Here’s a FREE guide to becoming a pilot >>


Print it or stick it on your refrigerator to keep it handy!

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